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CASIO fx-50FH、fx-50FH II及fx-3650P II程式集


CASIO fx-50FH(會考准用計算機)及CASIO fx-50F  PLUS是一部程式計算機(Programmable calculator),程式功能 較完整,程式空間大小為680 位元,除了無條件轉移指令外,還有結構控制指令(Control structure command)能夠編寫出一些較複雜的程式 。fx-50FH的程式與fx-3650P亦很相似,只要略作修改就可以在fx-50FH及fx-50F PLUS使用,這裡收集一些程式,一些香港文憑試常用及實用的程式,希望可以幫助大家應付考試。此外,亦希望大家可以透過參考別人所寫的程式,互相學習及提高對編寫程式的興趣。

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fx-50FH II及3650P II簡介(最新)  新舊型號比較(最新)  特別指令  文憑試攻略  50FH小貼士  50FH常見問題  聯絡網主

fx-50FH結構控制指令用法  編程式小技巧  自我檢測功能 論壇(新) WebCal專頁(最新) 危危電磁波專頁(最新)

fx-50FH 對數計算錯誤  fx50FH程式的整合方法  SC183評價  fx-3650P程式集  2014年文憑試準用計算機(新)   網站索引

*********現有fx-50FH 及fx-50F PLUS 程式資料三百九十四項********** 

注意: 若果程式出現紅色字體表示是一個功能,例如: M+ 表示直接按"M+"鍵,而不是按"M",然後再按"+"。┘代表分號,按a b/c鍵。 另外若果輸入程式時不肯定是負號還是減號,請以減號輸入可。

分類:方程  代數  矩陣  幾何  座標  數值法  統計  財務  數論 科學 日期  遊戲  其它 內置功能 內置程式

(A) CASIO fx50FH及fx50F PLUS 解方程類程式(Solving equation program)

A1. 一元二次方程(I)標準版 (Quadratic equations I)

A2. 一元二次方程(II)根式版 (Quadratic equations II)

A3. 一元二次方程(III)根式版 (Quadratic equations III)

A4. 二次函數因式分解及一元二次方程 (Factorization of quadratic function and quadratic equations)

A5. 一元二次方程及聯立二元一次方程(I) (Quadratic equations and simultaneous linear equations in 2 unknowns I)

A6. 一元二次方程及聯立二元一次方程(II) (Quadratic equations and simultaneous linear equations in 2 unknowns II)

A7. 一元二次不等式 (Quadratic inequalities in one variable)

A8. 一元三次方程(I) (Cubic Equations I)

A9. 一元三次方程(II) (Cubic Equations II)

A10. 一元三次方程(III) (Cubic Equations III)

A11. 一元三次方程(IV) (Cubic Equations IV)

A12. 一元四次方程(I) (Quartic Equations I)

A13. 一元四次方程(III) (Quartic Equations III)

A14. 一元五次方程 (Quintic Equations)

A15. 聯立二元一次方程(I) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns I)

A16. 聯立二元一次方程(II) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns II)

A17. 聯立二元一次方程(III) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns III)

A18. 聯立二元一為一次及一為二次方程(I) (Simultaneous One Linear and One Quadratic equations I)

A19. 聯立二元一為一次及一為二次方程(II) (Simultaneous One Linear and One Quadratic equations II)

A20. 聯立三元一次方程及行列式(I) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 3 unknowns and Determinant I)

A21. 聯立三元一次方程及行列式(II) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 3 unknowns and Determinant II)

A22. 聯立二/三元一次方程及行列式 (Simultaneous Linear Equation in 2/3 unknowns and Determinant)

A23. 聯立二/三元一次方程及行列式(包括聯立三元一次通解) (Simultaneous Linear Equation in 2/3 unknowns (include general solution) and Determinant)

A24. 聯立三元一次方程(高斯消去法) (Simultaneous Linear Equation in three unknowns by Gaussian elimination)

A25. 聯立三元一次方程(複數係數I版本) (Simultaneous Linear Equation (complex coefficient I) in three unknowns )

A26. 聯立三元一次方程(複數係數II及高考版) (Simultaneous Linear Equation (complex coefficient II) in three unknowns )

A27. 聯立四元一次方程 (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 4 unknowns)

A28. 聯立二元一次方程及部分變 (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns and Partial Variation)

A29. 簡單三角方程 (Simple Trigonometric equation)

A30. 聯立二元一次及二次/外點至圓的切線 (Simultaneous Linear and Quadratic equations / Tangent to circle from external point)

A31. 二次方程二根之和及積(應用複數版一元二次方程) (Sum and products of roots (quadratic equation)

A32. 三次函數因式分解 (Factorization of cubic function)


(B) CASIO fx-50FH 及 fx-50F PLUS 代數類程式 (Algebra program)

B1. 多項式乘法(I) (Polynomial Multiplication I)

B2. 多項式乘法(II) (Polynomial Multiplication II)

B3. 多項式除法(I) (Polynomial Division I)

B4. 多項式除法(II) (Polynomial Division II)

B5. 多項式除法(III) (Polynomial Division III)

B6. 多項式除法(IV) (Polynomial Division IV)

B7. 綜合除法 (Synthetic division)

B8. 因式定理(I) (Factor theorem I)

B9. 因式定理(II) (Factor theorem II)

B10. 正整數冪二項式定理(I) (Binomial Theorem I(Positive integer power))

B11. 正整數冪二項式定理(II) (Binomial Theorem II(Positive integer power))

B12. 正整數冪二項式係數 (Coefficient of binomial theorem (Positive integer power))

B13. 二項式定理 (Binomial Theorem)

B14. 正整數冪三項式展開(I) (Trinomial Expansion I (Positive integer power))

B15. 正整數冪三項式展開(II) (Trinomial Expansion II (Positive integer power))

B16. 等差及等比數列 (Arithmetic and Geometric sequence)

B17. 部分變 (Partial Variation)

B18. 百分率計算(II) (Percentage calculation II)

B19. 數列的總和/乘積 (Sum/Product of a sequence)

B20. 多邊形數 (Polygonal Number)

B21. 平方根化簡(I) (Simplification of square roots I)

B22. 平方根化簡(II) (Simplification of square roots II)

B23. N次方根化簡(I) (Simplification of Nth roots I)

B24. N次方根化簡(II) (Simplification of Nth roots II)

B25. 小數轉換平方根 (Conversion of decimal into square root)

B26. 小數轉換分數(I) (Conversion of decimal into fraction I)

B27. 小數轉換分數及N次方根 (Conversion of decimal into fraction and Nth roots)

B28. 小數近似值轉換為可能分數 (Conversion of decimal approximation into possible fraction)

B29. 複數的實數冪及N次方根 (Real power and Nth roots of complex number)

B30. 複數的N次方根 (Nth roots of complex number)

B31. 複數的複數冪 (Complex power of complex number)

B32. 殘數 (Complex Residue)

B33. 複數函數(I) (Complex functions I)

B34. 複數函數(II) (Complex functions II)

B35. 部分分式(I) (Partial fraction I)

B36. 部分分式(I)及一元二次方程 (Partial fraction I and quadratic equation)

B37. 部分分式(II) (Partial fraction II)

B38. 部分分式(III) (Partial fraction III)

B39. n(2-9)進數與10進數間轉換 (Conversions between base n(2-9) and base 10)

B40. n(2-16)進數與10進數間轉換 (Conversions between base n(2-16) and base 10)

B41. n(2-15)進數與16進數間轉換 (Conversions between base n(2-15) and base 16)

B42. n進數的補數(2-10)與10進數間轉換 (Conversions between base n's complement and base 10)

B43. n進數轉n進數(2至16)(I) (Conversion of base n to base n(2-16) I)

B44. n進數轉n進數(II) (Conversion of base n to base n II)

B45. 十進數小數與n(2-9)進數間轉換 (Conversion between decimal number to base n(2-9))

B46. 循環小數轉換分數 (Conversion of recurring decimal to fraction)

B47. 連續分式 (Continued fraction)

B48. 平方根連續分式 (Continued fraction for square root)

B49. 斐波那契數列 (Fibonacci sequence)

B50. 盧卡斯數列及斐波那契數列 (Lucas sequence and Fibonacci sequence)

B51. 巢狀平方根數化簡 (Simplify a nested radical number)

B52. 三次多項式化簡 (Simplification of cubic polynomial)

B53. 四次多項式化簡 (Simplification of quartic polynomial)


(C) fx-50FH / fx-50F PLUS 矩陣及向量類程式 (Matrix and Vector program)

C1. 三階矩陣行列式 (3×3 Determinant)

C2. 四階矩陣行列式 (4×4 Determinant)

C3. 五階矩陣行列式 (5×5 Determinant)

C4. 二階逆矩陣/伴隨矩陣及行列式 (Adjoint / Inverse of 2×2 matrix and Determinant)

C5. 二階矩陣特徵多項式及乘法 (Characteristic polynomial and  multiplication of 2×2 matrix)

C6. 二階矩陣整數冪(I) (Integer power of 2×2 matrix I)

C7. 二階矩陣整數冪(II) (Integer power of 2×2 matrix II)

C8. 二階矩陣的冪(III) (Power of 2×2 matrix III)

C9. 三階伴隨矩陣/逆矩陣及行列式(I) (Adjoint / Inverse of 3×3 matrix and Determinant I)

C10. 三階伴隨矩陣/逆矩陣及行列式(II) (Adjoint / Inverse of 3×3 matrix and Determinant II)

C11. 三階矩陣乘法 (3×3 matrix multiplication)

C12. 四階矩陣乘法 (4×4 matrix multiplication)

C13. 五階矩陣乘法 (5×5 matrix multiplication)

C14. 三階伴隨矩陣/逆矩陣/行列式及矩陣乘法 (3×3 matrix multiplication / Adjoint / Inverse matrix and determinant)

C15.  三階逆矩陣乘法、聯立三元一次方程及行列式  (3×3 Inverse matrix multiplication, simultaneous linear equations in 3 unknowns and Determinant)

C16. 三階矩陣乘法、逆矩陣乘法、聯立三元一次方程及行列式 (3×3 matrix multiplication, Inverse matrix multiplication, simultaneous linear equations in 3 unknowns and Determinant)

C17. 二階矩陣特徵多項式及特徵值 (Characteristic polynomial and Eigenvalues of a 2×2 matrix)

C18. 三階矩陣特徵多項式 (Characteristic polynomial of a 3×3 matrix)

C19. 三階矩陣特徵多項式及特徵值 (Characteristic polynomial and Eigenvalues of a 3×3 matrix)

C20. 二階矩陣LU分解 (LU decomposition of a 2×2 matrix)

C21. 三階矩陣LU分解 (LU decomposition of a 3×3 matrix)

C22. 三階矩陣整數冪(I) (Integer power of 3×3 matrix I)

C23. 三階矩陣整數冪(II) (Integer power of 3×3 matrix II)

C24. 四階伴隨矩陣/逆矩陣及行列式 (Adjoint / Inverse of 4×4 matrix and Determinant)

C25. 四階矩陣平方 (Square of a 4×4 matrix)

C26. 五階矩陣平方 (Square of a 5×5 matrix)

C27. N階矩陣乘法 (N×N matrix multiplication)

C28. 向量積 (Vector product)


(D) CASIO fx-50FH 及 fx-50F PLUS 幾何類程式 (Geometry program)

D1. 三角形面積 (Area of triangle)

D2. 圓內接四邊形四邊求面積(包括希羅公式) (Area of cyclic quadrilateral (include Heron's Formula))

D3. 四邊形面積(四邊及兩對角) (Area of quadrilateral (4 sides and 2 angles))

D4. 多邊形面積(邊及夾角) (Area of polygon (sides and included angle))

D5. 正弦及餘弦定律 (Sine and Cosine laws)

D6. 正弦、餘弦定律及三角形面積 (Sine law, Cosine law and area of triangle)

D7. 餘弦定律 (Cosine laws)

D8. 餘弦定律及三角形面積(I) (Cosine laws and area of triangle I)

D9. 餘弦定律及三角形面積(II) (Cosine laws and area of triangle II)

D10. 正弦定律(I) (Sine laws I)

D11. 正弦定律(II) (Sine laws II)

D12. 正弦定律及三角形面積 (Sine laws and area of triangle)

D13. 解三角形(I) (Solution of triangle I)

D14. 解三角形(II) (Solution of triangle II)

D15. 解三角形(III) (Solution of triangle III)

D16. 真方位角與羅盤方位角轉換 (Conversion between true bearing and compass bearing)

D17. 扇形計算 (Sector calculation)

D18. 畢氏定律及角度計算 (Pythagoras' Theorem and Angle Calculation)

D19. 球體計算 (Sphere calculation)


(E) CASIO fx50FH / fx50F PLUS 坐標幾何類程式 (Coordinate Geometry program)

E1. 三點求三角形面積 (Area of triangle from three points)

E2. 多點求多邊形面積(I) (Area of polygon from many points I)

E3. 多點求多邊形面積(II) (Area of polygon from many points II)

E4. 兩點的距離、斜率及y截距(兩點式) (Distance, slope and y-intercept (Two point form))

E5. 分界點、距離、斜率及y截距 (Point of Division, Distance, Slope and y-intercept)

E6. 直線方程 (Equation of straight line)

E7. 直線的一般式轉換為法線式 (Conversion of General Form into Normal Form of a straight line)

E8. 圓形的圓心及半徑 (Centre and radius of a circle)

E9. 圓形與直線的交點(I) (Intersection of circle and line I)

E10. 圓形與直線的交點(II) (Intersection of circle and line II)

E11. 三點求圓(I) (Circle from three points I)

E12. 三點求圓(II) (Circle from three points II)

E13. 已知斜率求圓的切線 (Tangent to Circle with given slope)

E14 . 己知斜率求圓的切線及三點求圓 (Tangent to Circle with given slope and Circle from three points)

E15. 外點至圓的切線 (Tangent to circle from external point)

E16. 圓族 (Family of circles)                                        

E17. 已知斜率求二次曲線的切線 (Tangent to quadratic curve with given slope)

E18. 外點至二次曲線的切線 (Tangent to quadratic curve from external point)

E19. 坐標變換-旋轉 (Transformation on coordinates-Rotation)

E20. 點與直線的距離及反射 (Reflection and Distance between point and line)

E21. 兩固定點與其軌跡距離比方程 (Locus of points in a given ratio of two points)

E22. 三角形垂心 (Orthocentre of triangle)

E23. 三角形內心 (Incentre of triangle)

E24. 三角形重心、垂心、外心及內心(I) (Centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre, incentre of triangle I)

E25. 三角形重心、垂心、外心及內心(II) (Centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre, incentre of triangle II)

E26. 內心、重心 、垂心、外心及九點心 (incentre, centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre and nine points centre)

E27. 內心、重心 、垂心、外心及三點求圓 (incentre, centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre and circle from three poins)

E28. 九點圓 (Nine point circle)

E29. 漸近線(I) (Asymptote I)

E30. 漸近線(II) (Asymptote II)

E31. 函數的切線及法線方程 (Tangent and normal to a function)


(F) CASIO fx50FH 及 fx50F PLUS 數值法類程式 (Numerical Method program)

F1. 微分計算(I) (Numerical differentiation I)

F2. 微分計算(II) (Numerical differentiation II)

F3. 中點法則定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Mid-point Rule))

F4. 梯形法則定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Trapezoidal Rule))

F5. 辛卜生(森遜)法則定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Simpson's Rule))

F6. 梯形及辛卜生(森遜)法則定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule))

F7. 微分及定積分(辛卜生)計算(I) (Numerical differentiation and integration (Simpson's Rule) I)

F8. 微分及定積分(辛卜生)計算(II) (Numerical differentiation and integration (Simpson's Rule) II)

F9. 微分及定積分(梯形法則)計算(I) (Numerical differentiation and integration (Trapezoidal Rule) I)

F10. 微分及定積分(梯形法則)計算(II) (Numerical differentiation and integration (Trapezoidal Rule) II)

F11. 辛卜生第二法則定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Simpson's second Rule))

F12. 保爾法則定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Boole's Rule))

F13. Weddle's rule定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Weddle's Rule))

F14. Hardy's rule定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Hardy's rule))

F15. 高斯-勒讓德定積分計算 (Numerical integration (Gauss-Legendre Quadrature))

F16. 高斯-克朗羅德定積分及誤差估算 (Numerical integration (Gauss-kronrod Quadrature and error estimation))

F17. 歐拉法微分方程計算 (Differential equations by Euler method)

F18. 改善歐拉法微分方程計算 (Differential equations by Improved Euler method)

F19. 二階阮奇庫塔法微分方程計算 (Differential equations by second order Runge-Kutta method)

F20. 四階阮奇庫塔法微分方程計算 (Differential equations by fourth order Runge-Kutta method)

F21. 半分法 (Bisection method)

F22. 正割法 (Secant method)

F23. 試位法 (False Position method)

F24. 正割法及試位法 (Secant method and False Position method)

F25. 牛頓法(I) (Newton method I)

F26. 牛頓法(II) (Newton method II)

F27. 正割法、試位法及半分法 (Secant, False Position and Bisection method)

F28. 正割法、試位法、梯形及辛卜生法則定積分 (Secant, False Position method and Numerical integration (Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule))

F29. 正割法、試位法、半分法、梯形及辛卜生法則定積分 (Secant, False Position, Bisection method and Numerical integration (Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule))

F30. 正割法、試位法、半分法及牛頓法 (Secant, False Position, Bisection and Newton method)

F31. 3點拉格朗日插值多項式(I) (Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial for 3 points I)

F32. 4點拉格朗日插值多項式(I) (Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial for 4 points I)

F33. 4點拉格朗日插值多項式(II) (Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial for 4 points II)

F34. 相對極值 (local maxima or minima)

F35. 左右極限 (Left and righ hand limit)


(G) fx50FH 及 fx50F PLUS 統計類程式(Statistics program)

G1. 泊松分佈(I) (Poisson distribution I)

G2. 泊松分佈(II) (Poisson distribution II)

G3. 二項分佈(I) (Binomial distribution I)

G4. 二項分佈(II) (Binomial distribution II)

G5. 二項分佈及泊松分佈(I) (Binomial and Poisson distribution I)

G6. 二項分佈及泊松分佈(II) (Binomial and Poisson distribution II)

G7. 泊松分佈、二項分佈及二項式定理 (Poisson, binomial distribution and Theorem)

G8. 標準常態分佈概率(I)( (Standard Normal Probability Calculation I)

G9. 標準常態分佈概率(II) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation II)

G10. 反查標準常態分佈概率 (Inverse Standard Normal Probability Calculation)

G11. 標準常態分佈概率(文憑試準確版 I) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation (DSE version I))

G12. 標準常態分佈概率(文憑試準確版 II(只供fx-3650P II使用)) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation (DSE version II))

G13. 反查標準常態分佈概率(文憑試準確版 I) (Inverse Standard Normal Probability Calculation (DSE version I))

G14. 反查標準常態分佈概率(文憑試準確版 II(只供fx-3650P II使用)) (Inverse Standard Normal Probability Calculation (DSE version II))

G15. 標準常態分佈及反標準常態分佈(文憑試準碓版I) ( (Standard normal and Inverse standard distribution (DSE version I))

G16. 標準常態分佈及反標準常態分佈(文憑試準碓版II) ( (Standard normal and Inverse standard distribution (DSE version II))

G17. (文憑試準碓版III(只供fx-3650P II使用)) ( (Standard normal and Inverse standard distribution (DSE version III))

G18. 幾何分佈 (Geometric distribution)

G19. 二項分佈、泊松分佈及幾何分佈 (Binomial, Poisson and Geometric Distribution)

G20. t-分佈概率 ( t-distribution probability calculation)

G21. 反查 t-分佈概率 ( Inverse t-distribution probability calculation)

G22. 卡方分佈概率 (Chi square distribution calculation)

G23. 反查卡方分佈概率 (Inverse chi square distribution calculation)

G24. F-分佈概率 ( F-distribution probability calculation)

G25. 整合平均值及標準差 (Combined mean and Standard deviation)

G26. 常態分佈概率 (Normal Probability Calculation)

G27. 誤差函數 (Error function)

G28. 逆誤差函數 (Inverse Error function)

G29. 平均偏差 (Mean deviation)

G30. 製程能力指數 (Process Capability)

G31. 隨機數 (Random Number)

G32. 重組統計數據(I) (Reorganization of statistical data I)

G33. 重組統計數據(II) (Reorganization of statistical data II)

G34. 單因子變異分析 (One way analysis of variance (ANOVA))

G35. 雙因子變異分析 (Two way analysis of variance (ANOVA))

G36. 由統計變數計算線性回歸 (Linear regression calculations from statistical variables)

G37. 決定係數 (Coefficient of Determination)

G38. 經驗貝氏信度模型 (Empirical Bayes Estimation for the Buhlmann-Straub Model


(H) CASIO fx-50FH / fx-50F PLUS 財務類程式 (Financial program)

H1. 複利率計算(I) (Compound interest I)

H2. 複利率計算(II) (包括零存整付及按揭問題) (Compound interest II)

H3. 零存整付計算 (Target savings calculations)

H4. 按揭計算 (Mortgage calculations)

H5. 按揭計算(II) (Mortgage calculations II)

H6. 實際年利率及年利率轉換 (Conversion between effective annual interest rate and annual interest rate)

H7. 攤銷進度表 (Amortization Schedule)

H8. 信用卡最低還款 (Minimum payment of credit card)

H9. 香港股票買賣手續費 (Charges of HK stock trade)

H10. 薪俸稅(累進稅率) (Salaries tax (Progressive rate) )

H11. 柏力克-舒爾斯期權定價(I) (Black-Scholes Option Pricing I)

H12. 柏力克-舒爾斯期權定價(II) (Black-Scholes Option Pricing II)

H13. 年數合計折舊 (Sum of the years' digits Depreciation)

H14. 雙倍餘額遞減折舊 (Double declining balance Depreciation)

H15. 貼現現金流(I) (Discounted cash flow DCF I)

H16. 貼現現金流(II) (Discounted cash flow DCF II)

H17. 30/360日數計算法 (30/360 day count method)

H18. 債券價值計算 (Bond Price Calculation)

H19. 債券計算 (Bond Calculation)

H20. 價格彈性(孤彈性) (Price elasticity (arc elasticity))

H21. GDP內含平減物價指數 (implicit price deflator of GDP)


(I) fx-50FH 及 fx-50F PLUS 科學及工程類程式 (Science and Engineering program)

I1. 運動公式 (Equation of motion)

I2. 彈性碰撞 (Elastic collision)

I3. 透鏡公式/球面鏡公式 (Lens formula / Mirror formula)

I4. 折射定律 (Laws of refraction)

I5. 稜鏡計算 (Prism calculation)

I6. 混合物温度(I) (Temperature of mixture I)

I7. 混合物温度(II) (Temperature of mixture II)

I8. 熱容量及潛熱計算 (Heat capacity and Latent heat Calculation)

I8. 歐姆定律及電功率 (Ohm's law and electrical power)

I9. 並聯電阻/串聯電容 (Resistor in parallel/capacitor in series)

I10. 放射衰變計算 (Half-life calculation)

I11. 連續趨近法ADC (Successive approximation ADC)

I12. 四點快速富利葉轉換(FFT) (4 points Fast Fourier Transform FFT)

I13. 八點快速富利葉轉換(FFT) (8 points Fast Fourier Transform FFT)

I14. 算術編碼 (Arithmetic coding)

I15. RSA加密演算法公鑰及私鑰 (Keys of RSA algorithm)

I16. RSA加密及解密 (Encryption and decryption by RSA algorithm)

I17. 衝擊反應 (Impulse response)

I18. △←→Y的變換 (△←→Y transformation)

I19. 最小損失匹配 (Minimum Loss Matching)

I20. 元素的族及周期 (Group and Period from atomic number)

I21. 元素最外層電子數 (Number of electrons on the outermost shell of element)

I22. 元素的族、周期及外層電子數目(I) (Group, Period and number of electrons on the outermost shell I)

I23. 元素的族、周期及外層電子數目(II) (Group, Period and number of electrons on the outermost shell II)

I24. 聲強及聲強級計算 (Sound intensity and sound intensity level calculation)

I25. 距離交會計算 (Distance intersection method)

I26. 化學反應活化能 (Activation energy of a chemical reaction)


(J) CASIO fx-50FH 及 fx-50F PLUS 數論類程式 (Number Theory program)

J1. 商及餘數(I) (Quotient and remainder I)

J2. 商及餘數(II) (Quotient and remainder II)

J3. 正整數冪餘數(I) (Remainder of positive integer power I)

J4. 孫子定理 (Chinese remainder Theorem)

J5. 聯立同餘式(I) (simultaneous linear congruences I)

J6. 聯立同餘式(II) (simultaneous linear congruences II)

J7. 質因子連乘樍(I) (Prime factorization of positive integer I)

J8. 質因子連乘積(II) (Prime factorization of positive integer II)

J9. 質因子連乘積(III) (Prime factorization of positive integer III)

J10. 質因子連乘積(IV) (Prime factorization of positive integer IV)

J11. 最大公因數、最小公倍數及約分 (HCF, LCM and simplify fraction)

J12. 費馬檢驗 (Fermat testing)

J13. 米勒-拉賓檢驗 (Miller-Rabin Primality test)

J14. C+nX被Y整除求最小n值 (Find minimum n if C+nX is divisible by Y)

J15. 基本勾股數組 (Primitive Pythagorean triple)

J16. 質數測試 (Prime number test)


(K) fx-50FH / fx-50F PLUS  日期及時間類程式 (Calendar and Time Program)

K1. 兩日期間的日數 (Number of days between two dates)

K2. 星期天的計算 (Day of week from date)

K3. 儒略日計算 (Julian Day)

K4. 儒略日日期 (Date of Julian day)

K5. 日期計算 (Date calculation)

K6. 日期計算/兩日期間日數/星期天 (Date calculation/Number of days between two date/Day of week from date)

K7. 復活節日期 (Date of Easter)


(L) CASIO fx-50FH / fx-50F PLUS 遊戲類程式 (Game program)

L1. 合24遊戲(I) (Arithmetic 24 I)

L2. 合24遊戲(II) (Arithmetic 24 II)

L3. 合24遊戲解答(I) (Solution of Arithmetic 24 I)

L4. 合24遊戲解答(II) (Solution of Arithmetic 24 II)

L5. 估數字(I) (Guess a number I)

L6. 估數字(II) (Guess a number II)

L7. 估數字(III) (Guess a number III)

L8. 猜數字遊戲 (Guess the number game)

L9. 珠機妙算遊戲(I) (MasterMind I)

L10. 珠機妙算遊戲(II) (MasterMind II)

L11. 珠機妙算遊戲(III) (MasterMind III)

L12. 珠機妙算遊戲(IV) (MasterMind IV)

L13. 珠機妙算解答 (MasterMind Solution)

L14. 老虎機(I) (Slot machine I)

L15. 老虎機(II) (Slot machine II)

L16. 最後數值 (Last number)

L17. 估位置 (Guess a position)

L18. 數學操練 (Math Drill)

L19. 對戰遊戲(I) (Fighting game I)

L20. 對戰遊戲(II) (Fighting game II)

L21. 記憶遊戲(I) (Memory game I)

L22. 記憶遊戲(II) (Memory game II)

L23. 拍7遊戲 (7 game)


(M) CASIO fx50FH / fx50F PLUS 其它類程式 (Others program)

M1. 伽瑪函數(I) (Gamma Function I)

M2. 伽瑪函數(II) (Gamma Function II)

M3. 低階不完全伽瑪函數 (Lower incomplete Gamma Function)

M4. 雙伽瑪函數 (Digamma Function)

M5. 伽瑪、雙伽瑪及三伽瑪函數 (Gamma, digamma and trigamma Function)

M6. 階乘 (Factorial)

M7. 朗伯W函數 (Lambert W Function)

M8. 算術幾何平均 (Arithmetic-Geometric Mean)

M9. 黎曼函數 (Riemann Zeta Function)

M10. Beta 函數(I) (Beta Function I)

M11. Beta 函數(II) (Beta Function II)

M12. 第一類貝塞爾函數 (Bessel Function of the first kind)

M13. 第一類及第二類完全橢圓積分 (Complete Elliptic Integral of the First and Second Kind)

M14. 身體質量指數(BMI) (Body Mass Index)

M15. 運動理想心跳率 (Ideal training heart rate)

M16. 基礎代謝率 (Basal Metabolic Rate)

M17. 香港身份證核對數位 (Check digit of HK ID Card)


(N) CASIO fx-50FH / fx-50F PLUS 內置功能 (Built in function)

N1. 小數轉換分數 (Conversion of decimal into fraction)

N2. 最小公倍數及最大公因數 (應用內置分數功能) (H.C.F and L.C.M)

N3. 函數計算 (Function calculation)

N4. 坐標轉換 (Co-ordinate Conversions)

N5. 迭代法 (Iteration method)

N6. 基數運算 (N-base calculation)

N7. 複數計算 (Complex Number Calculation)

N8. 科學常數 (Scientific Constant)

N9. 普通統計 (Ordinary statistics I)

N10. 回歸計算 (Regression Calculations)

N11. 獨立及答案記憶 (Independent and answer memory)

N12. 百分率運算 (Percentage calculation)

N13. 時間、十進制和六十進制運算 (Time, decimal and sexagesimal calculations)

N14. 角度單位轉換 (Angular Unit Conversions)

N15. 小數位及有效數字 (decimal places, significant figures)

N16. 工程符號計算 (Engineering Notation calculations)

N17. 重現功能 (Replay function)

N18. 兩點之距離及x軸夾角 (應用內置坐標轉換功能) (Distance and Angle Between the x-axis of 2 Points)

N19. 3點拉格朗日插值多項式(II)(應用內置二次回歸功能) (Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial for 3 points II)

N20. 直線方程 (應用內置線性回歸功能) (Section formula and equation of straight line)

N21. 分界點及直線方程 (應用內置線性回歸功能) (Section formula and equation of straight line)

N22. 部分變(部分為常數) (應用內置線性/倒數回歸功能) (Partial variation(partly constant))

N23. 一元二次方程 (應用內置二次回歸功能) (Quadratic equations)

N24. 聯立二元一次方程(III)(應用內置線性回歸功能) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns III)

N25. 多邊形重心(應用內置線性回歸功能) (Centroid of polygon)


(O) CASIO fx-50FH / fx-50F PLUS 內置程式庫 (Built in formula library)

O1. 內置一元二次方程 (Quadratic equations(Built in))

O2. 內置餘弦定律 (Cosine laws(Built in))

O3. 希羅公式 (Heron's Formula)

O4. 標準常態分佈P(x) (Standard Normal Probability P(x))

O5. 標準常態分佈Q(x) (Standard Normal Probability Q(x))

O6. 庫倫定律 (Coulomb's law)

O7. 導電體電阻 (Resistance of a conductor)

O8. 磁力 (Magnetic force)

O9. RC電路中R的終端電壓 (Change in terminal voltage of R in RC series circuit)

O10. 電壓增益 (Voltage gain)

O11. LRC串聯電路阻抗 (Impedance in LRC series circuit)

O12. LRC並聯電路阻抗 (Impedance in LRC parallel circuit)

O13. 電震動頻率 (Frequency of electric oscillation)

O14. 下降距離 (Distance of drop)

O15. 單擺周期 (Cycle of simple pendulum)

O16. 彈簧擺周期 Cycle of spring pendulum)

O17. 多普勒效應 (Doppler effect)

O18. 理想氣體定律 (Equation of state of ideal gas)

O19. 離心力 (Centrifugal force)

O20. 彈性能 (Elastic energy)

O21. 伯努利定律 (Bernoulli's theorem)

O22. 視距計算(高度) (Calculations Using a Stadia (Height))

O23. 視距計算(距離) (Calculations Using a Stadia (Distance))


如程式有任何錯誤或問題請聯絡 David Cheuk: kl2cheuk@gmail.com